Reply to post: Re: governments can always legislate

Spies still super upset they can't get at your encrypted comms data


Re: governments can always legislate

"The laws of Australia prevail in Australia, I can assure you of that. The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia."

It's an interesting distinction between the laws of physics (as misremembered) and the laws of mathematics (what he actually said). If he'd said the laws of physics, people might have spotted the problem more easily (the gravity example for one), but the laws of mathematics... who cares about those? All that boring triangles and x+1=2 stuff nobody ever needs right?

Except, the laws of physics are just models based on empirical evidence and those of mathematics are the hardest form of logic devised by man and are in a sense more fundamental.

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