Reply to post: Re: Silly season...

Intel rips up microcode security fix license that banned benchmarking


Re: Silly season...

Well, while you can make a box secure...if you wanted to actually, you know, USE the thing - as in maybe take funds transfers from customers with'd sorta need it connected to the customers. Kinda the only business model that actually exists that's really a business model anymore - other than defense contracting where they will mail you a fat check.

And this IS the age-old status of computers, and well, a lot of other things.

Make it super secure - it's unusable.

Make it usable, it's not super secure.

And all the king's horses and men want it different, and try to make it so, and at most make things a little better at the margins, while the lock pickers also improve their skills. It's the same old arms-race forever, with super job security for all the actors!

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