Reply to post: Re: Balls

You want how much?! Israel opts not to renew its Office 365 vows

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Balls

So what was the justification for beating and shooting them?

Nothing, none needed. It's what soldiers do! All the time and everywhere! Deployments starts out all very idealistically and then after a little while of action and casualties, it's just "us and the wogs and we actually don't care about them wogs". "Don't point an army at something you don't want 100% to destroy", basically.

I think it is somewhat hypocritical to be criticising Israel while "we" are happily blowing up weddings, markets, hospitals, school busses besides "regime changing" all over the place with no consequences for any of it on "our side" and nothing learned and no tangible benefits achieved by doing it.

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