Reply to post: Re: Why city planners love autonomous vehicles

Self-driving cars will be safe, we're testing them in a massive AI Sim

James O'Shea

Re: Why city planners love autonomous vehicles

If the town planners decide to discourage me from using my car in their town, the result will be that I don't go to their town. And I don't spend money in the shops, restaurants, etc., in their town. And their tax base erodes, because I won't be alone in not spending money where I'm not wanted. They'll get their desired lower congestion, alright; they just won't like the side effects. I see that kind of thing in action right now; those who live in Deepest South Florida may have heard of how the town of Jupiter has been doing this kind of thing over the last few years, with negative effects on the businesses inside the Zone of Social Progress(tm). Several of the more Progressive(tm) council members are up for re-election this year and next year. The results of the election should be quite interesting.

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