Reply to post: I was thinking similar thoughts

Rejoice! Thousands more kids flock to computing A-level

Tom 38

I was thinking similar thoughts

So (helped by the El Reg hacks who linked to it) read some of the syllabus. This is a pretty decent course; it is not "Do shit in Office/Windows", its an intro to software engineering. For instance:

Understand and use the following appropriately:

• integer

• real/float

• Boolean

• character

• string

• date/time

• pointer/reference

Damn, I work with people who don't understand and use pointers properly.

As for the science, this is the difference between school and university. School is about learning how to do things. In A level maths, you learn how to apply techniques like integration/differentiation, statistical methods, vector equations for motion, etc. In university level maths, you learn how to prove those techniques. This computing course is about the techniques of programming; its not supposed to be about the theory of computing.

Computer science is not about programming. One of the most famous computer scientists said "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes", and barely ever touched a computer.

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