Reply to post: Re: In campus AI groups didn't these use to be called "Baby killer" contracts?

Work at a startup? Think US military isn't good enough at killing? We've got the program for you

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: In campus AI groups didn't these use to be called "Baby killer" contracts?

>People who can make sense of a 1000+ page USG government procurement contract.

That 1000+ page approach has given DoD a collection of albatrosses called Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, Boeing and more. Inevitably these projects run over budget, and over time, but never over perform. DoD is tired of this and this project is about getting the small companies in and deliver good results for sub billion dollar costs.

There have been projects in the past but the big players succeeded in shooting down the projects. now DoD is making a new try. They are not certain in succeeding and the big players will once again do all they can to stop this, possibly also by buying up the startups.

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