Reply to post: I am wary of this development

Now boffins are teaching AI to dial up chemo doses for brain cancer

Pascal Monett Silver badge

I am wary of this development

I will always be grateful for advances in medical science, and any and every cure for anything, but I do not agree with the prospect of having my cancer diagnosis made by a computer, if and when I am concerned by that.

You can wax lyrical all you want about how a Statistical Analysis Machine (or SAM) can be efficient at diagnosing cancer and specifying treatment, I want a human doctor's professional opinion first. Eventually, the doctor can consult the SAM's opinion, if only to ensure that both are in agreement. I would accept that because the SAM might differ in opinion, and I would expect the doctor to check why and if it is relevant to my case.

But to have some pimply-faced intern show me a printout and say "here's your diagnostic" ? No thank you.

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