Reply to post: Re: Prepare for...

Top Euro court: No, you can't steal images from other websites (too bad a school had to be sued to confirm this little fact)


Re: Prepare for...

Any competent web master should understand that unless a work is provably in public domain one had better check the copyright of the work. You may have to ask permission from the copyright holder but most would be thrilled to grant permission to you. And depending on the nature of your site they may waive any fees. If the work is released under Creative Commons, check to see if you are obeying the specific license. Basic sense about copyrights, check to make sure you have permission to post a copy.

It should be noted that in many jurisdiction copyright is automatically granted to the creator once the work is 'fixed'. So there are very few works (e.g. photos) that are public domain in these countries. Thus downloading a cat video and sharing a cat video from Fraudbook would technically be copyright infringement.

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