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Think tank calls for post-Brexit national ID cards: The kids have phones so what's the difference?


Currently the anti-Semitism debate seems to be basically:

"Hitler was an alright guy" = person quite rightly removed from their role and disciplined

"Israel should stop murdering Palestinians" = OMG YOU ANTI-SEMITE!

There is a concerted effort to remove ALL criticism of Israeli actions in Palestine under the guise of "it's racist to condemn Israel". This is a highly dangerous stance to take. It's much like the stance taken in America where any criticism of Trump is shouted down as being "unpatriotic" by his supporters. All governments must be held to account where needed, no government should feel emboldened to the point that they can commit atrocities simply because some feel sympathy towards them. If Israel want to stop terrorists from attacking them it's quite simple, stop creating them by killing Palestinians and start treating them with common decency and humanity. You know, like we had to with the IRA. Ask anyone who supported the IRA why they did so and you'll get pretty much the same answers, the treatment of the Catholics at the hands of the Protestant majority and the fact that the UK was seen as an occupying force in *their land*. When you understand that, maybe then you'll understand why the Palestinians are fighting.

If that isn't obvious enough for you then try this thought experiment:

The UN decides that as Britain was once part of the Roman Empire part of England is to be given to Italy. The Italians decide they want more and force the entire population of England into Scotland and Wales. Do you simply setup in the makeshift camps on the Scottish and Welsh borders? Or do you fight back? Remember it must all be legal, the UN said so. And in the meantime Italy is provided with the best military equipment the USA can afford, free of charge, to stop the evil English from trying to return to the homes that they've been forced out of, at gunpoint. Everything you once owned is now legally owned by a family from Italy who has never seen England before. And all the while you're complaining and doing nothing, because if you so much as look at the border towards the homes you used to own you'll be shot and killed, Italy keeps moving the border, taking more and more land that was once part of Scotland and Wales. At what point does enough become enough and you fight back?

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