Reply to post: Re: Use Linux...

Some of you really don't want Windows 10's April 2018 update on your rigs


Re: Use Linux...

Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. Linux Mint (for instance) is quick extremely easy to install. If you agree, it will even import all your Windows documents for you. As for support, there is loads of friendly community help out there. Nothing like the arrogant Microsoft technosphere. As it's open source, you CAN actually fix stuff if you have to. It's not all in proprietary, locked DLLs.

I was a dyed-in-the-wool Windows fanboy from Win3.x to Vista when I totally lost faith with MS and moved to Ubuntu (and then to Mint). It was a move I had to think about seriously, ran both together for a month and Windows just died naturally. That was in 2009. 9 years later, I'm still happy with my decision. I'm a web dev and build Umbraco sites on .NET. I have to use a Windows VM in Virtual Box. Works absolutely fine. Try it, there's nothing to be afraid of (as long as you're not stuck in an Office365/Teams/Project/Skype for Business/Planner/SharePoint/etc/etc nightmare of a company ;)).

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