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Nah, it won't install: The return of the ad-blocker-blocker

Steve the Cynic

Simple solution: don't buy it; buy something else without the logo.

The last time I went shopping for new clothes, I spent some time carefully searching the racks of T-shirts for something with an interesting design but where the company's logo wasn't prominently displayed. It's harder than you might think to actually find such a thing. At one shop which shall remain nameless because it's nobody's business but mine that I shop there(0), I eventually bought one that still had the logo, but the logo is *below* my belt-line, and therefore not visible(1).

(0) Why do you think I'm spending so much effort to not have a visible logo?

(1) I'm not one of these scruffy youfs who think It's OK to go around with their T-shirt hanging out of their trousers. Now get off my lawn!

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