Reply to post: Re: "Last century called. They want their UI back, please"

ReactOS 0.4.9 release metes out stability and self-hosting, still looks like a '90s fever dream


Re: "Last century called. They want their UI back, please"

yeah but the Win-10-nic and "Ape" "The Metro" and "UWP" interface is anything *BUT* 'pretty' nor 'stylish'.

I agree completely, but that's still the reason they're doing it. They think it's stylish or pretty, so in it goes. I actually use computers, so to me, function is beauty, and therefore the flat look of Windows 10 is horrendously ugly. I can't separate aesthetics from function in my mind... they're inextricably bound together. Functional efficiency is beautiful, wasted space and giant controls that look like abstract line art are not.

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