Reply to post: Re: "Last century called. They want their UI back, please"

ReactOS 0.4.9 release metes out stability and self-hosting, still looks like a '90s fever dream

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Last century called. They want their UI back, please"

"The snarky comments and cheap shots about the "dated" interface demonstrate that the author of the piece has fallen into the trap of thinking that a UI is meant to be pretty and stylish, not functional and useful."

yeah but the Win-10-nic and "Ape" "The Metro" and "UWP" interface is anything *BUT* 'pretty' nor 'stylish'.

It's more like what Micro-shaft arrogant+smug "developers" decided to SHOVE INTO OUR COMPUTERS without permission. Because it's "modern". And we're LUDDITES for *HATING* it.

nothing 'pretty' nor 'stylish' about THAT. It's more like 'the few' imposing their will onto 'the many'.

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