Reply to post: Re: Same reason they use steel from old battleships for medical scanner.

Fukushima reactors lend exotic nuclear finish to California's wines

jake Silver badge

Re: Same reason they use steel from old battleships for medical scanner.

Kinda, sorta, ish.

They did make "isolation rooms" out of scrap pieces of steel armor plate salvaged from warships, yes. This was to minimize background radiation when measuring exposure of various folks for various reasons. But that was then, this is now. Today, they just use normal metals & correct for instrumentation error. Computers are kinda handy when it comes to that kind of thing.

One other bit of marine salvage that I am aware of ... SLAC, Sandia and Lawrence Livermore all have lead shielding that was salvaged from centuries old ship's ballast. Most of the stories included pirates of the Caribbean; some included lurid tales of how the ship was sunk. Allegedly this was because of the old lead's lack of man-made radiation, which would skew the data. Again, modern computers make this kind of thing pointless ... One of my older mentors wrecked the romantic stories by telling us that the real reason they used it was because it was the cheapest lead they could get their hands on at the time.

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