Reply to post: Re: 200 paying customers?

Put WhatsApp, Slack, admin privileges in a blender and what do you get? Wickr

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: 200 paying customers?

I agree, the industry *has* moved on from simple e2e secure communication. One major new differentiator is if a product is targeted at consumers or at organizations.

While Wickr and Wire (also) target orgs. the (large) majority of other e2e comms systems target only consumers. E.g. Signal, Threema, Whatsapp, Viber, etc. None of the consumer products (e.g. Signal & Threema) provide any kind of Enterprise features nor administrative controls. Wickr now offers all sorts of things in this domain such as single-sign-on integration, enterprise grade customer support, centralized on/off-boarding of users, legal compliance options, FIPS certification, on-prem back end deployment, admin defined: security policies, federation policies, and user, group and network segmentation and quite a bit more...

To be fair there is really a pretty big difference by now between what Wickr does and what Signal & Threema do. While I'd recommend my mother use Signal I'd think my bank would be better served with Wickr. IMHO they just aren't the same *type* of product anymore.

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