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Open plan offices flop – you talk less, IM more, if forced to flee a cubicle


"Which means you don't have the conversation you would have because its too much hassle to go to the meeting room with what you need to show the person, so it doesn't get done."

Do you have to be in a conference room? You have no hallways away from cubicles to have a long-ass discussion about stuff most people don't have the necessary background info to process?

I worked for a large company in San Diego who used to put more than 90% of their employees in private offices. It didn't help. People just talked louder.

Arguably, you're impromptu discussions that take longer than 3 minutes or so should be happening on the Wiki where business-critical information and ideas will be harder to lose (unless one of you opted to type up meeting notes after the discussion.)

Still, you're just being lazy and oblivious because *everyone* will use that excuse to talk about the World Cup or the NBA Finals in the middle of a cubicle farm.

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