Reply to post: Now, if only Git could work under Windows...

GitHub given Windows 9x's awesome and so very modern look

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Now, if only Git could work under Windows...

... without requiring half Linux to be installed, it would be great.

But, from a programmer perspective, Git is one of the worst application ever written - it's a "how to" about application should never be written mixing languages randomly, using the wrong tools (bash scripts, really???), and designing something for your immediate needs only, without being able to look at the big picture - look at how worktrees have to be retrofitted because the original designers didn't think someone could need to work on more than one branch at the same time.

Management requires access to the server, and ACLs have to be managed somewhere else. Of course, all code has to be open source and everybody must be able to access everything, because that's what the bearded stinky guru said.

C'mon - you used snapshots instead of deltas because disks are cheap now, and replace my local directory every time I switch branch? Often, I'm forced to think CVS worked better and was far more versatile. IT is going backwards, thanks to "millennials" who unluckily never really understood computers and programming.

Windows 95, after all was written by far better developers.

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