Reply to post: Re: Big advantage

Time to dump dual-stack networks and get on the IPv6 train – with LW4o6

Danny 14

Re: Big advantage

The bigger issue is if you're in IPv4-world and want to talk to an IPv6 address. That's when you need a proxy (or other solution).

Not really. Like I said earlier, any decent firewall will sort this out for you:

server runs IIS. Your ISP has only given you IPv6 and you are too old skool to enable IPv6 on your server and give it an address. Don't worry, your stateful firewall will happily ACL route your external IPv6 to

if you mean the other way around then hurricane electric are your friend.

Sonicwalls have been doing this for years, pfsense can do this too. Never mind blackguards and palo altos. I believe that ubiquiti edge routers cannot NAT64

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