Reply to post:

Distie bosses tuck 7-figure settlement into Cisco's top pocket


"..."Nobody that sells any sort of tech hardware should be in any doubt about the regulations governing imports." Well said by El Reg. Seems the posters didn't really absorb that bit like they really should.

Whether you like it or not, the established law is clear. If you are in the EU, it is legal to gray market within the EU, it is even legal to gray market outside of the EU, but - and get this - it's illegal to import gray marketed material into the EU.

This has nothing to do with Trump, cartels, price fixing, Ciscoborg or whatever. Everyone in the channel just needs to get as much legal knowledge as El Reg and they'll be fine ....... can't believe I wrote that ........"

You are, of course, right. But you have to wonder why it's illegal? And presumable, it is because the corporations you've listed have lobbied to make it so.

These are the very same companies that claim they want open global trade with no long as it's only open enough to ensure they can charge much greater prices in one area than another.

Don't get me wrong - market forces, etc etc and all that but if a company wants to be a global entity, then people should be free to move their products around... globally.

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