Reply to post: Re: Big advantage

Time to dump dual-stack networks and get on the IPv6 train – with LW4o6

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Big advantage

All your major services are now proxied through the 4&6 machine at the boundary. All your external connections, webmail, remote, VPN, etc.

If your ISP says "no more IPv4 for you", it doesn't matter.

Internally, you then have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to upgrade, and if you're using web proxy etc. then it's quite seamless. But all your customers and outside services are already up and ready.

You can now deploy 4 machines. 6 machines. 4&6 machines. It literally doesn't matter. You can move services one by one. But your outside customers (e.g. visits to your website) can use both from the second you do it, and your external IPs number... 1 of each.

Your internal workings, IP's, etc. literally don't matter. That's the beauty of NAT.

But what you were telling people was "You have to give every machine, server, printer, phone, etc. a world-routable IPv6 address, from day one, and configure your systems securely to allow that. Oh and NAT IS EVIL AND YOU HAVE TO DESTROY ALL TRACES". That was ALWAYS nonsense. You leave them exactly as they are, IPv6 the gateway, leave everything else on IPv4 NAT and then everything else is done at your leisure.

Say The Reg had done that? They could just add "IPv6 compatibility" to their front page and all their clients would be happy and think they were "cutting edge". They could be using IPX internally, nobody cares.

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