Reply to post: Re: January 1999 -- Windows 98 made me mad....

Happy birthday, you lumbering MS-DOS-based mess: Windows 98 turns 20 today

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: January 1999 -- Windows 98 made me mad....

> My only beef is that the ten or so PCs and laptops I've bought since then have meant being forced to pay the Microsoft tax (handily included in the purchase price of the new PC).

Buying without an OS installed is a common option in Germany. Elsewhere, I just refuse the Windows licence(s) and get the corresponding discount (which is much less than the OS' retail price, the bundled stuff being an OEM version).

Back in the day I chased this up with the consumer ombudsman and yes, they cannot refuse to sell you just the hardware, much less force you to enter into a contract with a third party (the OS vendor).

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