Reply to post: You're gonna need a warrant

In huge privacy win, US Supreme Court rules warrant needed to slurp folks' location data


You're gonna need a warrant

I believe any law enforcement agency or agent of the justice system should be required to have a warrant to obtain any information on someone that is not in the public domain.

For example, here in the states they are accessing geneology sites to compare DNA to what was recovered at old murder scenes. If "lucky" they find a relative of the perp and begin to narrow it down. In Washington state, they followed one of these suspects and collected a napkin he used to wipe his mouth. Using that DNA, they fingered him as the rapist/murderer of a teenage girl over 30 years ago.

I have no problem with them tailing a suspect in hopes of collecting DNA that has been discarded. However, it is a little unnerving that they're sifting through geneology records for DNA hits.

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