Reply to post: 2 points here

NASA eggheads draw up blueprints for spotting, surviving asteroid hits

lglethal Silver badge

2 points here

"It called for NASA’s Administrator to “pursue capabilities, in cooperation with other departments, agencies, and commercial partners, to detect, track, catalog, and characterize near-Earth objects to reduce the risk of harm to humans from an unexpected impact on our planet.”

1) What is the additional budget for NASA to perform all of these new tasks? If no budget is forthcoming now, then dont expect NASA to be able to do anything when the big one is incoming later....

2) in cooperation with commerical partners. Right.... Because there are profits to be made spotting asteroids? Funnily enough, I havent heard of any firms doing this previously. How are you going to make it so profitable that firms start building facilities?

A good sentiment, and something that needs to be thought about and prepared for, but I'm reading a lot of hot air and wishful thinking here. I'll believe its being taken care of properly when I see significant funds being given to NASA for this task alone (and not merely being stolen from other NASA missions).

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