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Virtual reality meets commercial reality as headset sales plunge


My thoughts exactly. I got the Oculus shortly after release and have used it extensively since then.

However, I was fully expecting “round 2” at the beginning of this year and was extremely disappointed with the lack of progress with new hardware.

Basically, anyone who wanted VR and was satisfied with Gen 1’s marginal quality has it.

Price reductions would have brought a second, less enthusiastic wave of customers but on the whole the market will end up saturated.

To entice new users to buy in or current users to upgrade their current sets, true 2nd Gen devices need to be released.

Look at how popular the Pimax VR Kickstarter was. It generated double the funds of the Oculus KS.

I know the world has moved on and KS is more accepted today than back in 2015 but still there IS interest in VR, we just need compelling hardware to fire it up.

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