Reply to post: Re: Cmon

Shared, not stirred: GCHQ chief says Europe needs British spies

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Cmon

@ Not also known as SC

"If the EU wasn't so tightly integrated then we could deal with individual countries but the reality is what it is"

This is the part I am not convinced. For example the EU is not in NATO and NATO most certainly isnt restricted to Europe as it relies on the US for defence. The US is not in the EU but as soon as Trump said he expects Europe to step up to the plate and actually fund some of its defence the members left puddles in their seats and screamed loud. The UK and France pretty much handle defence and Germany has very few working fighters nor the capacity to deliver them to Iraq so the economic beast is impotent in defence respects. It seems amazing to me that the countries in Europe would want to cut that out regardless of the EU.

Also countries do defy the EU when it suits, such as Merkel and the migration crisis or France ignoring economic rules. When it comes to security even if the politicians must put on a front I expect the actual services will do what is right for defence instead of pleasing politicians.

And politically the EU is in crisis. People having more confidence in their own countries than the EU.

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