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Microsoft Azure Europe embraced the other GDPR: Generally Down, Possibly Recovering

Lee D Silver badge

Love the "we're losing millions" one.

Shame, with all those millions, that you didn't think to use another service, another location, a backup, a failover, etc.

If your restore process is JUST THAT COSTLY, then you need other live hot/warm sites ready to go. All the time. And it'll cost you much less than "millions".

Whenever I see that, I have so little sympathy for whoever thought that kind of setup was a good idea that I think those people SHOULD be made to pay for their mistakes.

Azure is one cloud. You could run your own cloud too. You could use another cloud. And you could use multiple datacentres in entirely different continents for each cloud. And then you could join them together and have them failover. It's really NOT that difficult.

But, nah, just sling Microsoft a couple of grand and obviously everything will be alright even if being down for three hours will cost you "millions".

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