Reply to post: Re: Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,

Apple takes $9m kick down under after bricking iPhones

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,

I don't think so. If I "repaired" something with a part that doesn't work, then I'm the one at fault. However, what was installed was a touch sensor that, while not the one made by apple, did the job it was meant to do. All apple did was to go in and break it. They probably could have gotten away with allowing the driver for the screen to become deprecated and fail, as they aren't obligated to support it, but writing code that essentially does

if (screen.manufacturer != "apple") {



isn't OK. A better analogy would be if your computer broke, a friend replaced the processor with another one that did processing just fine and with the same instruction set, and I, as the software writer, chose to decide that I didn't like that and I'd just make it fail for you. You can't do something the sole purpose of which is to break someone else's thing.

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