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Now Microsoft ports Windows 10, Linux to homegrown CPU design

FIA Silver badge

Why have neither Intel, AMD, ARM or Samsung developed a similar approach, or bought this particular technology in from academia? You can argue that Intel, and to an extent ARM are victims of their own success and would dismiss it as "not invented here", but AMD could certainly do with a technology break out.

Do those companies know something that MS don't?

Do Samsung have a history of innovating in the CPU space? I get they're a core ARM licencee but they do more 'mass market' stuff don't they?

Intel couldn't be seen to do anything to significantly de-stabilise X86 as that's where the money comes from. Although they have tried a few times.

ARM are stuck with ARM, and AMD doesn't have the thing that Microsoft have lots of... spare cash. (Remember, whilst we don't care any more, Windows is still the dominant computer OS, and still makes Microsoft a lot of money).

Companies with lots of money can spend it doing R&D, hence this, and why Apple do their own CPUs and GPUs now.

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