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Universal Credit has never delivered bang for buck, but now there's no turning back – watchdog

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Well, with tens of thousands of people* dying as a result, I'd say they've achieved their aim.

* 45,000 between 2011 and 2014. Not a typo. (Source, BMJ)

Not a typo, no. More like a fundamental failure to understand the difference between welfare payments (UC and other "benefits") and social care arrangements.

Now, possibly unlike you, I've had to call on the state in the last twelve months, and a horrible, demeaning experience it was. But the curious thing is that UC actually works like a form of universal income that has rather a lot of supporters round these parts, whereas older benefits like JSA didn't. I'm now gainfully employed again, and I have NO desire to endure the nature of UC or any other government handout, but lets separate out the NATURE of UC from the IMPLEMENTATION.

I might also add that one of the reasons for introducing UC was that the fragmented nature of former benefits meant that some households could claim more than I currently earn (and for reasons that need not be aired here, that's rather a lot compared to average incomes). Having been on the thin end of the benefits wedge, the idea of stopping some lazy f*ckers from claiming £30k per household (ie "after tax" equivalent) actually strikes me as a bloody good thing.

A welfare state is a good thing. A system that makes welfare a well rewarded career for a few isn't.

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