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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Training the trainer

"I had great fun doing this once or twice in the past. Scared one by saying my reason to be on his course was simply to review it - classic expression on his face"

Not quite the same thing, but I was on a LEAN course, and they were asking why we'd all signed up. Usual mix of "I want to do my job better" and "my boss told me to". Me?

"I worked for the Inland Revenue a few years back, when they did LEAN first time".

The instructor just stopped and said "Really?"

"Yes. I was on the LEAN pilot that went so badly it made the national news."

Turned out the instructor had one of his grad students do a PhD thesis on that particular disaster, and we had a great conversation later on about how LEAN can go wrong, and what had been learned from such things.

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