Reply to post: Re: If not doing something because it was "inconvenient" was the ciriteria for Brexit..

No fandango for you: EU boots UK off Galileo satellite project

Poncey McPonceface

Re: If not doing something because it was "inconvenient" was the ciriteria for Brexit..

something does not compute cowardly anon:

Assuming Brits voted for Brexit primarily to take their destiny into their own hands you can't with one and the same breath decry the EU's desire to be independent of the US when it comes to a vital tech like global navigation systems. More simply put: if Brexit is a matter of sovereignty then so is Galileo – to say that it is not is wilfully misleading.

And then you saying that sure it's all grand because the Brits can piggyback on the US system is dumb because that means moving from being an equal partner to a subordinate one. Why Brits should be happier living under Uncle Sam's shadow rather than standing shoulder-to-shoulder with their European neighbour is beyond me. As we have recently had confirmed the EU are a far more reliable political entity than the US.

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