Reply to post: Re: Non tesla driver here

Oddly enough, when a Tesla accelerates at a barrier, someone dies: Autopilot report lands


Re: Non tesla driver here

It seems to me that the machine vision is being done wrong, and completely backward, and needs to go back to first principles.

How do I stay on the road?

- First, find the edges of it. Edge detection is key.

- Lanes have a mostly standardized width, so it is pretty easy to figure out how many there should be. If the number is sufficiently fractional a lane is probably merging.

- Next, look at the motions of other cars, they are likely to give a good indication of pathing.

- Last AND least, look at lane markings, because 101 has too many bloody places where they didn't paint over the old markings so they cross over each other and run straight into barricades.

How do I navigate unexpected obstacles?

- My vehicle can be described as a rectangular prism of "Will bend and break if intersected".

- Around it there is another slightly larger area of "Keep Out Zone" that I want to try to protect.

- I should choose a path that will allow me to pass without allowing any intersections of my "Keep out zone" with the current and projected paths of objects. It does not matter if it is a ball, a child, bicycle, or car, it is not desirable to hit it.

- It is easier to identify things like wind-blown paper, bags, etc which are not a problem than the myriad things which are, so train for the smaller set and treat the rest kinematically.

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