Reply to post: Re: Well, duh

Chief EU negotiator tells UK to let souped-up data adequacy dream die


Re: Well, duh

"Of course, and that will happen. Simply, it will not happen anymore through participation as a member inside the EU institutions, but instead through negotiation of an outside 3rd party with the EU."

That's a nice idea, and would produce a vaguely-sensible Brexit. But it's not going to happen. As a Leave voter I know was telling me* over the weekend, if that was the aim then triggering Art.50 ASAP and starting a 2-year countdown, when no-one had a clue even what they wanted, was pretty frunking stupid.

May did it to appease the screaming WANTZ MY BREXITZ NOW! toddlers over at the Mail. And guaranteed that there would be no chance of Brexit ever working.

* for "telling me", read "ranting furiously"

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