Reply to post: Re: Pirate radio is harmfull

America's comms watchdog takes on the internet era's real criminals: Pirate pastors

jake Silver badge

Re: Pirate radio is harmfull

Pinning coax is supposed to be "hard to find", but in reality the "right test gear" is common sense and a continuity tester. Once you know it's shorted, the fix is easy. (Yes, a TDR helps, but it's hardly necessary.)

Besides, the students were daring the church to call the cops. Was kind of the point. The last weekend out, a couple of "men of the church" kept watch over the parking lot on Saturday night. It was obvious they were there (lighting cigarettes in the dark is a bit of a give away). One of the kids took a walkie-talkie and crawled through the bushes alongside the building ... when he got close to the coax, he keyed the mic a couple times, signalling the kids out in the street to create a ruckus (staged fender-bender). When the guards were distracted by a couple of yelling kids, the coax was borrowed[0] yet again. The idiots didn't even notice until the next morning ...

[0] Borrowed. It was always returned to the church the following evening.

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