Reply to post: Alexa weirdness when overhearing Chinese

You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened


Alexa weirdness when overhearing Chinese

My wife and I were recently staying in a cabin near Yosemite Valley that has an Alexa. I spoke some Chinese for the fun of it: Alexa, 你好,你说中文吗?Alexa responded, "Sorry, I don't know that phone number."

Makes one wonder what might happen when a non-English speaking person or persons have one of these that has English enabled ... Voice recognition is still fairly primitive.

Users beware ... I'd never own one of these, never, and I am very familiar with AI - 50 years of computer science ...

LOL - Marketing is basically evil. They'll try and sell anything to make a few £$元 。。

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