Reply to post: Re: God Save Daddy Warbucks

Blood spilled from another US high school shooting has yet to dry – and video games are already being blamed


Re: God Save Daddy Warbucks

The military response that the Second Amendment would provide was where the US (which had no standing Army) would defend itself from a foreign invader (the war of 1812).

So, what you are saying is that some foreign entity will defeat the US military and then fall victim to hoards of disgruntled teens that have liberated their parents' easily accessible AR-15s?

My improved scenario is that a sane society like Australia or Canada will invade while the disgruntled teens are unconcerned because they are in their basements planning the next school shooting. Then, the new government will make assault weapons unavailable to idiots and we might get health care coverage that isn't shameful for a change, to boot.

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