Reply to post: Re: Personal Tragedy

Sysadmin hailed as hero for deleting data from the wrong disk drive


Re: Personal Tragedy

I had a similar issue about 17 years ago when Win XP was released. I had just "acquired" a copy of the "Devil's own" version and decided to upgrade my computer from Win 98. Trouble was my computer at the time only had a 6.4GB HDD and I was keeping all my kids photos on it. Now the installation went smoothly until I got into Windows and saw that I only had about 20mb of free space left. Immediately decided to reformat and reinstall Win98 until I could get a bigger drive, completely forgetting that there was about 3 months of baby photos sitting there. I was in the dog house for a while after that.

But, I learned a valuable lesson that day, backups are important. Now all the photos and personal documents are stored in several places, in a backup file on a separate external drive, in my Google and OneDrives, on another drive that I carry with me to and from work, as well as another copy sitting on another computer.

And I'd like to thank the author of this article, as he caused my paranoia to kick in and I've just created another backup file to sit in the cloud.

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