Reply to post: 1984

Within Arm's reach: Chip brains that'll make your 'smart' TV a bit smarter



Sounds like it's going to be 30 years later than predicted by George Orwell but it looks like Big Brother will be watching everyone by 2024. I sincerely hope there is going to be some sort of virtual airgap between what all these cameras see and what the chip actually allows out of the container it is in. The camera needs to have a direct non-tee'd feed into the MLP or ODP and the data out needs to be limited to a minimum amount of GPIO to report human detected, animal detected, object is moving, object is facing left or right or straight on, object is waving frantically, etc. If a video feed is required for any reason whatsoever, it should be a separate camera with a physical cover to close the lens for privacy. It should be illegal for any agency to require that the cover is left open or to try to subvert the camera in any way.

If ever there has been a need for governments to get their act together and set up a meaningful and ethical law on the use of technology, this has got to be it. Of course they won't bother and will be most surprised when even MPs get deluged with ads for things they don't even remember seeing as part of some TV show but the MLP/ODP decided they had a specific non-verbal response to, such as blushing or more rapid breathing.

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