Reply to post: Re: How will it be used?

Within Arm's reach: Chip brains that'll make your 'smart' TV a bit smarter


Re: How will it be used?

Exactly: plenty of good use cases out there as mentioned in the article. Security camera that doesn't fill up GBs of space on nothing? Sounds good. Interfaces that can detect when you're interacting with them and respond back? Cool. But there's absolutely no way that these won't be used as the shiny bait to get you to agree to put more and more surveillance devices in your home at your own expense. I want to be the paranoid one on this but time and again it's been borne out. The extra ironic part is that this hardware, which ostensibly removes the need to communicate with the cloud by putting capabilities on board, will just be used to reduce the amount of heavy lifting Google, Samsung, et. al. will have to do on their end and you're the one paying for the upgrade. Every one of these devices will ship with clauses buried in their EULAs/ToS that make you give permission for the device to phone home for "troubleshooting" or "diagnostic" purposes, to "enhance user experience", or even - just putting it on the table - "to provide relevant advertising". No way to disable the "feature", obviously.

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