Reply to post: Re: Irresistible force vs immovable object?

Whois privacy shambles becomes last-minute mad data scramble

Paul Hargreaves

Re: Irresistible force vs immovable object?

> How is the EU going to prosecute the USA based registrar for correctly following USA law?

Assuming the registrar has any legal entity in the country (i.e. either a subsidiary, or people employed) then they'll be the ones being taken to court as the representatives. This is what's been happening with Uber in London, for example.

A court could go after the money; to Visa, Mastercard etc and tell them to stop accepting payments in the countries where the law is being broken.

The courts could tell the ISPs in the country to block any requests to the particular domains owned by the extra-territorial entities, similar to how they block the fake rolex and torrent sites.


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