Reply to post: Do not be so flippant

Zuck to meet Euro MPs for ‘please explain’ session

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Do not be so flippant

good luck with that, folks!

Do not cast all MEPs into Farage (and other British MEPs) image. I think we've already been there with the infamous facepalm at the earn an honest penny speech.

The difference between the MEPs and the Congresscritters is that there is a significant number of technically literate people there. A quick scan through that committee shows a number of people with dual CS (or other telecoms/tech) and Law degrees from proper universities like Berlin Humboldt Uni as well as some proper ex-techies. A lot of them are at positions on data collection and surveillance which will make Shrem loook like a pansy moderate.

So in theory, they can grill him properly. In any case it will be more productive than a show in Westminster. Let's wait and see.

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