Reply to post: Re: ???

It's Galileo Groundhog Day! You can keep asking the same question, but it won't change the answer

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: ???

You seem to be suggesting that there is a high-resolution service available only to the military. If so, could you please give a reference? Thanks.

I know that's how it used to be, many years ago, but it would make so much more sense to have the high-resolution service available to everyone during peace time, but to degrade or disable it for unauthorised users during a military operation. And I seem to recall reading that that's exactly what they did, around the year 2000.

The big change with GPS in 2000 was removal of selective availability, which mean that the service available to the public could now provide accuract in the 10s of metres rather than 100s of metres. There are a number of services available from GPS, one of which is the service used for civilian navigation, etc. I believe there is another service for non-civilian use which provides better accuracy

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