Reply to post: Re: Hypocrites

Blighty: If EU won't let us play at Galileo, we're going home and taking encryption tech with us

Nick Ryan Silver badge

Re: Hypocrites

And it's not customary to hold an advisory referendum and then treat it afterwards as binding.

It is now that the vile racists behind certain national newspapers have said so. After all, who can argue with papers that copy, almost exactly, every Nazi propaganda technique? "Will of the people", "Enemies of the people", rat cartoons, consistent and continual unfounded derogatory attacks on people and cultures.

It is also extermely important to blame absolutely everything that the friends of the Daily Mail's owners have done to the country on some scapegoat. It was the French, Irish, Gypsies, Romanians, Russians, Immigrants, Muslims, EU, Remainers - the lot. All suddenly to blame for issues that in general had nothing to do with them.

It is also extremely important to dehumanise these targetted hate groups, through repeatedly publishing articles questioning individual member's integrity, personal habits, intelligence, sexual preferences, religion and everything else - reality not withstanding. Because it certainly wouldn't help anything if normal people in the UK, looked at the normal people elsewhere and realised that we share considerably more in common than not and that one lot of us is not more human than another.

In the meantime, the readers of the Daily Mail (some of the ACs here are obviously from that camp), will keep repeating the same brainwashed nonsense from the Daily Mail without realising how it makes no sense whatsoever.

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