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I've got way too much cash, thinks Jeff Bezos. Hmmm, pay more tax? Pay staff more? Nah, let's just go into space


Why not just title this article Capitalism is evil and socialism is great?

The you could just ignore the 100m bodies socialism created in the 20th century while hypocritically avoiding paying tax like most socialists.

Point one - You have absolutely no right what so ever to tell Jeff Bezos what to spend his money on. He was out in the world earning it while you were smoking bongs and watching countdown all day during your worthless media degree.

Point two - Jeff Bezos has created over 500,000 jobs, probably hundreds if not thousands of millionaires, remind me again how many millionaires you and your clown marxist friends have created? None? How many jobs have you created? None?

The ultra left wing leaning of this site is getting very tiresome, if capitalism is so bad how about you relocate to Vietnam or Venezuela? Shining examples of socialism let loose, they must be paradise to you.

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