Reply to post: Re: Chokes with laughter

Blighty: If EU won't let us play at Galileo, we're going home and taking encryption tech with us

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Chokes with laughter

. It's glaringly obvious in every news item and you still don't get it!

I get that the media is part of the problem.... and if you look is some of the news papers, not all supported the remain..

its all the bickering in-house that's put us in the position of weakness. When it comes down to pounds shillings and pence, the EU needs us more than we need it. Yes, there are benefits to being part of the union, but while its full of self serving corrupt officials, just looking out for those who line the pockets of the fat cat eurocrats, its disgusting. Th EU held out on revealing its long term plans until after the referendum because of fear that it would push the vote further into the leave camp. Turning the EU into a united sates of Europe, Taking control of the armed forces into a European wide force. that Germany and France would control....

I am old enough to remember the vote to join the common market in the early 70's The principles were good. open free trade across boarders without ridiculous amounts of paperwork.... but thats far from what we ended up with. The EU only works for LARGE multi national corps. the small business owners just get shat on with rules and regs that is just not affordable. A year or so back, I got a letter about a new European initiative aiming to reduce waste paper. They wanted to know how much paper went into the bins each year... I know its just going to end up in another EU tax....

£150M a year is wasted each year alone by the EU, moving everything from Brussels to Strasbourg for two weeks then back again, just because France keeps using its veto on a permanent move to Brussels.. and that's just one instance of the shit that goes on in the EU.

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