Reply to post: Re: Hypocrites

Blighty: If EU won't let us play at Galileo, we're going home and taking encryption tech with us

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Hypocrites

So, in the interests of democracy, now that the lies told by the 'leave' side have been exposed, I presume you would like to have another vote, taking into account some of the facts not available without a crystal ball.

Stop being disingenuous. Lies were spouted by both sides during the run up to the referendum. For example, George Osborne stated that an emergency budget and instantaneous recession would follow immediately after a leave result.

Who knows how many people bought into Project Fear and were scared into voting remain? After all, it was the establishment's preferred option, together with the vast majority of the mainstream media. Therefore the number of misled on the remain side most probably outweighed those on the leave side.

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