Reply to post: Re: Re "putting the phone down is almost always the right thing to do."

'Your computer has a virus' cold call con artists on the rise – Microsoft

Rameses Niblick the Third Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble?

Re: Re "putting the phone down is almost always the right thing to do."

"I prefer the 'deny everything' approach, also known as the 'argument sketch' approach, in which you contradict the person on the other end on everything..

Declaring I didn't have a phone really confuses them for a moment, also presumably when the catch on as line goes dead after a moment..."

This sounds like a great idea to me:

Scammer: "Is your computer switched on?"

You: "I've told you once"

S: "No you haven't!"

Y: "Yes I have"

S: "When?"

Y: "Just now"

S: "No you didn't!"

Y: "Yes I did!"

S: "You didn't!"

Y: "I did!"

S: "You didn't!"

Y: "I'm telling you, I did!"

S: "You did not!"

Sounds like a giggle to me, I think I'll try this next time.

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