Reply to post: 28% of what?

Time to ditch the front door key? Nest's new wireless smart lock is surprisingly convenient

lglethal Silver badge

28% of what?

"If you are one of the roughly 28 per cent of households that have a security system.."

28% of households have a security system? I assume thats a US figure? But even that seems ridiculously high. Silicon Valley/San Fran, maybe. Where does that figure come from?

I have to admit, I have never lived in any place, and dont know any friends who have a security system installed. Thats in Aus, the UK, Sweden and Germany. So 28% of households (businesses are a different story) seems to be a very cherry picked figure.

Lets do a quick El Reg survey - if you have a securty system downvote this post, if you dont upvote. We'll see if we get anywhere near 28% of downvotes...

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