Reply to post: Re: getting my focus stolen

Facebook admits it does track non-users, for their own good


Re: getting my focus stolen

Have you considered purchasing different model of car?

Or is it that joyriders realise how impoverished you must be once they've tried your Ford Focus, take pity on you and return it?

Anyway, in the eight years of failbooking I engaged in until I had my account reported for not using my real name, I never once clicked on an advert for a dating site for women with unfeasibly large breasts and ridiculously low expectations; no, not even for the sake of making the day of some pretty young thing 'only two miles from' me who 'visited you page and send a request' with an intimate photo attached (sorry, Imogen) nor for the sake of brightening the life of any mature women who couldn't wait either - if they're anything like the others, I doubt they've actually matured that much anyway, however old they are.

For a while, due to some unfortunate events, I accessed Failbook from a browser with no security/privacy addons/plugins/extensions/widgets/doodads/whatnot and it still didn't figure out that those ads just weren't working - If I were paying Failbook whatever extortionate rate it charges to advertise, I'd want to know why its algorithms were so crap and when I could expect my refund.

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