Reply to post: Re: What can go wrong ?

Scissors cut paper. Paper wraps rock. Lab-made enzyme eats plastic


Re: What can go wrong ?

From an isolated engineered enzyme? feck all. Enzymes do not replicate on their own.

We have an increasing history of using tame, domesticated bugs to create enzymes which cannot escape the lab/factory. In Biolabs we use E. coli bacteria on the open lab bench containing all manner of genes. They are heavily crippled, they need a critical amino acid not common in the environment as their ability to make it was removed, they cannot have sex with other bacteria so cannot get it back from the environment and various other technical cripplings. If you go onto one of the biotech company sites selling those bacteria tweaked so they are ready to have dna put into them then all the cripplings are listed.

So, to make this enzymes we can just plug it into a domestic strain, perhaps one of those churning out clothes washing enzymes and which have been doing so for decades without escaping.

Yours Muscleguy BSc, Phd.

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